We're Looking Forward to the Olympics

It has already been four years since the 2012 games in London, and this year the world's best athletes are getting ready to come together on the Olympic stage again. This year we are coming back to our side of the pond and heading south to Brazil. Rio de Janeiro is a lively city in Brazil known for its recognizable Christ Redeemer statue sitting atop Corcovado Mountain.

I always enjoy the world unity we see around the Olympics, while a few conflicts remain, everyone overlooks many others. The world comes together for one event. Starting with the Opening Ceremonies on Friday, August 5th, I love seeing each nation's athletes proudly carrying their flag. 

The United States is gearing up to win big, with some of the nation's favorite athletes competing for the gold in Rio. You can keep up with the medals race throughout the games here, compare Rio's results to 2012, or all-time standings.

Soccer is the first event to kick off the games, beginning today, Wednesday, August 3rd. Check out NBCOlympics.com for a full list of events and schedules. 

What are your favorite athletes or events to watch? We would love to hear, share in the comments below, or on our social media pages.